Weather Stations

  • Identification Information

  • Spatial Reference Information

  • Attribute Information

  • Distribution Information

  • Usage Information
  • Identification Information:

    Source: Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMA)
    Feature Type: Points


    The GMA as part of its mandate is to be recording and monitoring some climatic conditions across the country has set up base station across the country for the purposes of collecting relevant climatic data for analyses and forcasting. These stations which are about 28 in number has been mapped to give an indication where they are located.



    The purpose for which this dataset was created is to give users an idea of the locations of the base station and to determine the accuracy of the values interpolated with data from these stations. The closer an area is to the station, the more accurate the climatic values interpolated-for example.

    Spatial Reference Information:

    Geographic Coordinate System: 
    Datum:   D_WGS_1984
    Prime Meridian:    Greenwich
    Angular Unit:        Degree

    Projected Coordinate System:  
    Projection:          Transverse_Mercator
    False_Easting:      500000.00000000
    False_Northing:    0.00000000
    Central_Meridian:  -3.00000000
    Scale_Factor:        0.99960000
    Latitude_Of_Origin:  0.00000000
    Linear Unit:           Meter

    Attribute Information:

    ID:Unique identifier

    Name of Station: The actual name of the station or the name of the community its situated

    District:District where the weather station is located

    Region: Region where the weather station is located

    Distribution Information:


    Henry Kwamena Baffoe
    Applications Specialist
    Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIS)
    University of Ghana, Legon - Accra


    George Owusu
    Applications Specialist
    Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIS)
    University of Ghana, Legon - Accra


    Data Access Format:

    ESRI Shapefile format – Downloadable as zip file

    Date Updated:
    January 2010



    Usage Information:

    This dataset can and shall be used for the purpose for which this data sharing agreement was reached for the release of the dataset. Any other use of the dataset other than the agreed intended use, shall constitute a breach of usage agreement unless necessary arrangment have been made in this regard

    Click here to download data or contact us for more details regarding this data.